As the project implementation progresses, peer-reviewed journal and conference papers and other publications stemming from and acknowledging REWIRE, are being made available here. Stay tuned for our updates!
Journal Papers
[1] Anthony Feijoo-Añazco, Dan Garcia-Carrillo, Jesus Sanchez-Gomez, Rafael Marı́n-Perez. Innovative Security and Compression for Constrained IoT Networks, Elsevier Internet of Things,
Conference Papers
[1] Corentin Verhamme, Gaëtan Cassiers, and François-Xavier Standaert. 2023. Analyzing the Leakage Resistance of the NIST’s Lightweight Crypto Competition’s Finalists. In Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 21st International Conference, CARDIS 2022, Birmingham, UK, November 7–9, 2022, Revised Selected Papers. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 290–308.
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[2] Felipe Lisboa Malaquias, Georgios Giantamidis, Stylianos Basagiannis, Simone Fulvio Rollini, Isaac Admundson. Towards a methodology to design provably secure cyber-physical systems, The 27th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (Ada-Europe 2023), Lisboa, Portugal. Accepted.
[3] Malaquias, F.L., Asavoae, M., Brandner, F. (2023). From the Standards to Silicon: Formally Proved Memory Controllers. In: Rozier, K.Y., Chaudhuri, S. (eds) NASA Formal Methods. NFM 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13903. Springer, Cham.
[4] Felipe Lisboa Malaquias, Mihail Asavoae, Florian Brandner. Formally Proved Memory Controllers: From the Standards to Silicon, Nasa Formal Methods 2023 (LNCS : FM Subline Proceedings Volume), 2023.
[5] Constantin Catalin Dragan, François Dupressoir, Kristian Gjøsteen, Thomas Haines, Peter B. Rønne, Morten Rotvold Solberg, Machine-Checked Proofs of Accountability: How to sElect who is to Blame, ESORICS 2023.
[6] Jakob Feldtkeller, Tim Güneysu, Thorben Moos, Jan Richter-Brockmann, Sayandeep Saha, Pascal Sasdrich, Francois-Xavier Standaert, Combined Private Circuits – Combined Security Refurbished, ACM-CCS 2023.
[7] Heini Bergsson Debes, Edlira Dushku, Thanassis Giannetsos, Ali Marandi, ZEKRA: Zero-Knowledge Control-Flow Attestation. In proceedings of the ACM Asia CCS 2023.
[8] Heini Bergsson Debes, Thanassis Giannetsos, RETRACT: Expressive Designated Verifier Anonymous Credentials. In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2023).
[9] Benjamin Larsen, Nada El Kassem, Thanassis Giannetsos, Ioanins Krontiris, Stefanos Vasileiadis, Liqun Chen, Achieving Higher Level of Assurance in Privacy-Preserving Identity Wallets. In: The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). 10.5281/zenodo.8215221
[10] Sayandeep Saha, Prasanna Ravi, Dirmanto Jap, Shivam Bhasin, Non-Profiled Side-Channel Assisted Fault Attack: A Case Study on DOMREP, DATE 2023. 10.23919/DATE56975.2023.10137176
[11] Huanhuan Chen, Yao Jiang Galteland, Kaitai Liang, CCA-1 Secure Updatable Encryption with Adaptive Security, Asiacrypt 2023.
[12] Kaitai Liang, Query Recovery from Easy to Hard: Jigsaw Attack against SSE, The USENIX SECURITY 2024. Accepted
[13] Jodie Knapp, Elizabeth A. Quaglia, Dynamic Multi-Server Updatable Encryption, ISC2023.
[14] Kaitai Liang, Similar Data is Powerful: Enhancing Inference Attacks on SSE with Volume Leakages, ESORICS 2024. Accepted.
[15] Kaitai Liang, d-DSE: Distinct Dynamic Searchable Encryption Resisting Volume Leakage in Encrypted Databases, Usenix SECURITY 2024. Accepted
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