REWIRE Research and Innovation Action entitled “REWiring the ComposItional Security VeRification and AssurancE of Systems of Systems Lifecycle”, officially started on October 1st, 2022, and will run for 36 months, from October 2022 to September 2025. The project is funded by European Commission under Horizon Europe Programme (Grant Agreement No. 101070627).
REWIRE envisions a holistic framework for continuous security assessment of open-source and open-specification hardware and software for IoT devices and the development of cybersecurity certification in accordance with the requirements and guidelines of recent EU Cybersecurity Act.
In particular, REWIRE proposes a scalable and multifunctional cybersecurity platform that will ensure the security throughout the life of the IoT devices with continuous security auditing, trust computing and theorem proofs for defining a hardware-based microarchitecture for enhanced protection targeting to open-hardware/software vulnerabilities. A certification procedure of the audited software and hardware components will propose new software security metrics and establish a layer of trust between stakeholders, utilizing Blockchain and smart contracts.
REWIRE will expand traditional cyber insurance models to account for both open-source hardware and software assets, by ingesting security auditing results for estimating premium costs. REWIRE will exploit a Knowledge Plane of metadata generated from application behavioral patterns and operations to determine appropriate security policies and properties to enforce on open-source HW/SW to block potentially harmful instructions.
REWIRE has invested in three carefully selected pilots (Smart Cities, Automotive, Smart Satellites), which can address the ambitious objectives of the project, i.e., a customizable Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) based on RISC-V, and micro benchmarking for quick and automated assessment of HW vulnerability. Thus, REWIRE aims to safeguard the entire workflow of secure processing; from the Deployment and Operation of software-based System of Systems to their patch management when new exploits have been identified during run-time, by providing new trust management mechanisms towards the auditability and certification of SW/HW open-source specifications.
REWIRE brings together thirteen (13) partners form eight (8) European countries, providing all the required expertise for achieving the set objectives, consisting of three (3) Industrial Partners, three (3) Service Providers, four (4) Academic and Research representatives, as well as three (3) SMEs.