REWIRE consortium partners came together on March 23rd 2023 in a virtual workshop that aimed at eliciting the project requirements and designing the Reference Architecture to address them. The agenda of the meeting was divided into two parts, one for the discussion of the requirements, and one for the architecture. The aim of the workshop was to conclude the definition of REWIRE requirements and to flesh out the interactions between the components of the architecture.
During the first part of the workshop, the participants walked through the requirements to decide which ones were mandatory or optional. They clarified the purpose of each requirement and made the mapping with the technical components and technologies to be used to meet each requirement.
For the Reference Architecture, the ongoing discussions concern design-time for formal hardware and crypto, as well as the architecture for run-time. For the run-time part, each component’s interactions have been defined as to achieve its operational objective in REWIRE.
Ongoing technical discussions focus on capabilities for application instrumentation/ hooks, repackaging, and vulnerability detection on different Operating Systems (OS) or Real-time OS (RTOS). Additionally, Keystone Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and its isolation capabilities, key management, support of attestation, and TEE Wallet, are being investigated. Another architectural component under consideration is the TEE Wallet and support of attestation, verifiable credentials and software / Firmware update. Also, the partners discussed interactions and data flows to be supported by the Secure Oracles, as well as the attestation schemes and evidence collector. Finally, one point of discussion is AI approaches to be followed for the misbehavior detection.
Overall, the meeting was productive, and the participants made progress on the requirements and architecture for the REWIRE project. The next steps include the finalisation of the requirements and architecture and moving to the design and development phase of the project.